Time of Departure: 0710h
Time of Arrival: 1810h
Distance: 848 km
The weather for the most part cooperative. A little damp, a little foggy and even a very brief appearance by the sun.
A scheduled stop in Blind River for some images of the Mississagi River tumbling down the rocks and into Lake Huron on the north side of Manatoulin Island. (See Map Image from Google)

The river’s delta is a “bird’s foot” delta, a type not commonly found on the Great Lakes and is an important spawning ground for lake sturgeon. The falls are an important gathering and fishing area for the local first nation Ojibways.
I first came across the falls on the trip home last year and made a point of stopping again this time on a day of few stops for photos. Sometimes the quantity of photos is inversely proportional to the quantity of distance that has to be covered to stay on track. With an expected distance of 20,000 kilometers to be covered over approximately 32 days – I need to average 650 kilometers a day. So while today’s number and hopefully the next couple look good spend a few days in any given location and you fall behind.