River Ice

The river has cleared itself of ice very quickly this year. The same day I snapped this image (March 29th) the Seaway opened for shipping. Around here that’s as good a sign of spring as anyting else.


The Snow Geese have arrived. The Canada Geese barely leave but when the snow geese fly in with their distinctive sometimes whistling honk winter may finally be showing herself out. The sighting of these guys was usual when I was growing up in the area but their explosion in numbers has apparently shifted their migration …


Getting ready for the spring trip going over some old photos from two years ago to see where I’d like to check out again. Columbia Ice Fields always on the list. Three reasons. They are stunning. They will disappear in an ever-warming world. They are almost impossible to take a bad photo of. This particular …

Burning the Planet at Both Ends

A couple of news articles today pointing out or underlining the melt happening at both poles. First from the south… The frozen region of freshwater ice the size of France partially protects the West Antarctic Ice Sheet from collapsing into the sea. In recent years, the ice-free season in the Ross Sea has become a routine event …

Winter Wonderings

After the artificially inflated expectations and stimulation of dopamine in our brains by the holidays we all start to settle back into life as we live it – day by day. This time of year starts the mental wanderings of the next trip (how long until April?) and sights yet unseen for me and results …