My Life As A Comic Book

Ok so Google has this new app called Storyboard. Storyboard transforms your videos into comics. It selects, lays out, and stylizes video frames using experimental research technology from Google that runs entirely on your device. Google Play Load the video it does the magic and then offers up a few style variations, save, share or …

Burning the Planet at Both Ends

A couple of news articles today pointing out or underlining the melt happening at both poles. First from the south… The frozen region of freshwater ice the size of France partially protects the West Antarctic Ice Sheet from collapsing into the sea. In recent years, the ice-free season in the Ross Sea has become a routine event …

Winter Wonderings

After the artificially inflated expectations and stimulation of dopamine in our brains by the holidays we all start to settle back into life as we live it – day by day. This time of year starts the mental wanderings of the next trip (how long until April?) and sights yet unseen for me and results …

Marking Time

On a New Year’s Eve that will mark the completion of my 56th year on the planet got thinking about the passage of time. All I can say about time is kids when the elder people in your life say it just keeps going faster – listen. Not only are they correct they are telling …

Working the Water

CCGS Griffon bringing the buoys out of the waters of the St. Lawrence today. One of the colder days we’ve had. CCGS Griffon is a Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) High Endurance Multi-Tasked Vessel and Light Icebreaker stationed in Prescott, Ontario, Canada.[ The CCG classes her as a “High Endurance Multi-Tasked Vessel – Light Icebreaker”. Completed in 1970, Griffon is currently in active service. The ship provides icebreaking …

Griffith Uplands

Trail DescriptionThe Griffith Uplands Trail is a physically challenging 10 km hiking/snowshoeing loop encompassing four mountains in the Madawaska Highlands – Lake, Buck, Spring and Godin. This rewarding wilderness route traverses a rugged Area of Natural and Scientific Interest composed of marble bedrock with open upland forests of large tooth aspen, red oak, white pine …